Friday, February 11, 2011

Rich modal panel, submitting values

It was a big problem for me, to open a pop-up (rich:modalPanel) and putting some values and submitting the form. The values entered were not getting populated in server bean.

While developing I was trying following different things
1. Put ajaxSingle = "true" on link
2. Put immediate = "true" on link
3. Place modal panel inside form
4. Place modal panel outside form

and various combination for above tries....nothing worked.
It was pure trial and error as I'm a newbee to JSF.

But finally one try hit the server with correct values.
And the combination is
1. Write rich modal panel with
2. Put the panel outside the main form
3. Don't put ajaxSingle = "true" on link

If you just want to open a modal panel, and not submitting any values, ajaxSingle = "true" will work.

Write me ( if there is still any problem, will like to look if above doesn't works in any case.

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