Sunday, June 6, 2021

AWS: Compute Services: EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud Summary

 Provides scalable computing capacity with following features

  • Instances: Virtual computing environments or servers

  • AMI: Amazon Machine Images i.e. preconfigured templates for instances with built-in compatibles software (OS & additional software)

  • Instance Types: Various configurations for CPU, Memory, Storage, Networking, etc. e.g. t2.micro

  • Key Pairs: Secure login information for your instances using key pairs; public key is with AWS whereas private key is shared with user

  • Instance store volumes: Storage volume for temporary data that is deleted when you stop or terminate the instance

  • Persistent Storage: Volume for your data e.g. EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

  • Regions & Availability Zones: Physical locations for your AWS resources likes instances & EBS, etc.

  • Firewall: That enables you to connect to your instances using protocols (TCP, HTTP, SSH), Ports and Source IPs

  • Elastic IP Address: Static IPV4 address for your dynamic computing environment

  • VPC: Virtual Private Cloud i.e. a virtual private network for your instances that is logically isolated from rest of the AWS environments

  • ASG: Auto Scaling Group which enables you to auto scale up or down your instances according to requirements & traffic (see EC2 Auto Scaling below for details)

  • Collections of EC2 instances are Auto Scaling Groups (ASG), you can specify the minimum & maximum number of instances in each ASG.
  • Configuration Templates: ASG uses launch template or launch configuration as a configuration template for its EC2 instances
  • Scaling Options: You can specify the scaling strategies like dynamic scaling or predictive scaling (explained in later sections)

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