Friday, July 9, 2021

AWS: Compute Services: Lightsail

Lightsail is a virtual server which is cost effective, fast and reliable with easy to use UI and auto-scaling abilities. 

  • It has all the similar features as that of EC2 but has a few additional features like

    • A good & user-friendly GUI

    • It creates a VPS (Virtual Private Server)

    • VPS has powerful APIs to integrate with other external applications

    • Easy extension of resources like storage, servers, secure networking, etc.

    • It also provides load balancing 

  • Unlike EC2, you will have to pay even if your instance is STOPPED (not running & not deleted); to avoid charging use snapshot and delete the unrequired instances

  • Instances: to create & manage instances (only OS or OS + application) with Number of instances

    • Connectivity using key pair (SSH or default key)

    • Networking: you can create static IP

    • Storage: create or add new disk

    • Metrics: Default monitoring tool like CPU utilization, status check, network details, etc.

    • Networking: IP addresses & Firewall management (security groups), load balancing (enable/disable), DNS zone

    • Snapshot: To take a snapshot of the instance and launch instance using snapshot

    • History: actions taken on the instances

    • Delete: to delete the instance

  • Advanced features

    • API access keys: to have access to other applications

    • VPC Peering: Allow AWS to see or connect to resources you have in Lightsail

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