Tuesday, May 18, 2021

HashSet vs LinkedHashSet vs TreeSet

  • Comparison 





Internal Working

HashSet internally uses HashMap for storing objects

LinkedHashSet uses LinkedHashMap internally to store objects

TreeSet uses TreeMap internally to store objects

When To Use

If you don’t want to maintain insertion order but want store unique objects

If you want to maintain insertion order of elements then you can use LinkedHashSet

If you want to sort the elements according to some Comparator then use TreeSet


HashSet does not maintain insertion order

LinkedHashSet maintains insertion order of objects

While TreeSet orders of the elements according to supplied Comparator. Default, It’s objects will be placed in their natural ascending order.

Complexity of Operations

HashSet gives O(1) complicity for insertion, removing and retrieving objects

LinkedHashSet gives insertion, removing and retrieving operations performance in order O(1).

While TreeSet gives performance of order O(log(n)) for insertion, removing and retrieving operations.


HashSet performance is better according to LinkedHashSet and TreeSet.

The performance of LinkedHashSet is slow to TreeSet. The performance LinkedHashSet is almost similar to HashSet but slower because, LinkedHashSet maintains LinkedList internally to maintain the insertion order of elements

TreeSet performance is better to LinkedHashSet excluding insertion and removal operations because, it has to sort the elements after each insertion and removal operations.


HashSet uses equals() and hashCode() methods to compare the objects

LinkedHashSet uses equals() and hashCode() methods to compare it’s objects

TreeSet uses compare() and compareTo() methods to compare the objects

Null Elements

HashSet allows only one null objects

LinkedHashSet allows only one null objects.

TreeSet not allow a any null objects. If you insert null objects into TreeSet, it throws NullPointerException


HashSet obj = new HashSet();

LinkedHashSet obj = new LinkedHashSet();

TreeSet obj = new TreeSet();




Data Structure





Hash Table





Hash Table + Linked List


O(log n)

O(log n)

O(log n)

Red-black tree

  • Details


  1. Implements Set -> Collection

  2. Duplicates not allowed (returns false, if duplicate is added, no compile time or runtime error)

  3. Insertion order NOT preserved, null insertion allowed, heterogeneous objects allowed

  4. To be used when frequent operation is search

  5. Constructors (Common for all Hash implemented collections)

    1. Default (with initialCapacity as 16 and fillRatio: 0.75 i.e. new HashSet will be created when existing one is filled 75%)

    2. int initialCapacity = Creates with predefined size = initialCapacity and fillRatio = 0.75

    3. int initialCapacity, float fillRatio = Creates with predefined initialCapacity & fillRatio

    4. Collections C = convert any collection to HashSet


  1. Extends HashSet which Implements Set -> Collection

  2. Based on Hashtable + LinkedList

  3. LinkedHashSet is same HashSet except one difference that in LinkedHashSet insertion order is preserved 

  4. Best choice to develop cache based applications


  1. Duplicates are not allowed

  2. Null allowed only in empty TreeSet as first element, for rest NullPointerException due to comparison i.e. null.equals()

  3. Insertion order NOT preserved, but elements are inserted according to sorting order

  4. Heterogeneous objects are not allowed (if tried, runtime exception ‘ClassCastException’)

  5. Methods from SortedSet: 

    1. first(): first element in the set

    2. last(): last element in the set

    3. headSet(ele): elements less than or equal to ‘ele’

    4. tailSet(ele): greater than or equal to ‘ele’, 

    5. subSet(ele1, ele2): >= ele1 and <= ele2

    6. comparator(): returns null, if natural order is used

  6. Constructors

    1. Default (default natural sorting order)

    2. Comparator C: Customized sorting order defined by comparator object

    3. Collections C = convert any collection to TreeSet

    4. SortedSet S = convert SortedSet collection to TreeSet

  7. If TreeSet is defined for an object for which natural sorting is not available i.e. any objects other than numbers & strings, we MUST use Comparator constructor, else we will get ClassCastException

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