Java executor framework is used to run Runnable objects without creating new threads each time, rather it uses already created threads from the pool. Creating a thread is a very expensive process from a memory perspective, so it’s always a good idea to reuse the threads already created. In java.util.concurrent package there are three interfaces
- Executor: Used to submit a new task
- ExecutorService: A subinterface of Executor interface that submit new tasks and method to produce Future as a result of asynchronous operation
- ScheduledExecutorService: A subinterface of ExecutorService, to run tasks periodically or after a given delay
- ExecutorService es = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
- Executes tasks in sequential manner
- If a thread dies due to some exception, a new thread will be created
- ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(int n)
- Creates thread pool of size n to execute n tasks simultaneously
- Remaining tasks are stored in LinkedBlockingQueue
- LinkedBlockingQueue is used to ensure same task is not accessed by 2 or more threads
- ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
- Creates a thread on demand and kills thread after 60 seconds of idle time
- If tasks are taking long to execute, there is possibility of performance drop
- ScheduledExecutorService ses = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
- Creates a single thread scheduled executor service
- ScheduledExecutorService ses =Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(int i)
- Creates a scheduled executor service with thread pool of size int i
- scheduleAtFixedRate and scheduleWithFixedDelay are 2 methods for scheduled executor service; both methods have same signature “(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit)”
- The interpretation of “long intialDelay” for both methods is different; scheduleAtFixedRate will execute the task at each fixed interval irrespective of when earlier task is completed and scheduleWithFixedDelay will wait for initialDelay to start next task once first task is completed, for example
- Following are the ways to delegate tasks to ExexcutorService
execute(Runnable) |
- You can use future.cancel() to cancel a task which is submitted. It will get cancelled only if it is not yet started
- To shutdown executorService and terminate all the threads associated, you can call executorService.shutdown(). It might not shutdown immediately but it will stop accepting new tasks. Once all threads are finished, it will shutdown.
- To shutdown executorService immediately, you can call executorService.shutdownNow(). It will attempt (no guarantee) to stop all executing tasks and ignore which are not yet started. executorService.awaitTermination will block the thread calling it, until executorService shutdown or till timeout specified
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