Monday, July 19, 2021

AWS: Storage: Snowball

Snowball service uses physical storage devices to transfer data between S3 and your onsite data storage devices at faster-than-internet speed. Snowball provides powerful interfaces to create jobs, track data & track status of your jobs.

Snowball devices are physically rugged devices that are protected by AWS KMS. They secure & protect your data in transit.

Conceptually Snowball & Snowball Edge are same.

Snowball is intended for large amounts of data i.e. more than 10 TB else this is not economical choice. Below are a few key features

  • Available in 80 TB (only US) & 50 TB in most of the AWS regions

  • Enforced encryption protects data at rest and in physical transit

  • You can manage your jobs through Snowball management console

Use case


Snowball Edge

Import data into Amazon S3

Export from Amazon S3

Durable local storage


Local compute with AWS Lambda


Amazon EC2 compute instances


Use in a cluster of devices


Use with AWS IoT Greengrass (IoT)


Transfer files through NFS with a GUI


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