Method references are special types of lambda expressions. Like lambda expressions allow us to define an anonymous method and treat it as instance of functional interface; method referencing allows to do the same but using existing methods. Method referencing will be done using :: operator which is also known as Method Referencing Operator. There are four kinds of method references
1. Static methods
In this type, static methods in a class are referenced with :: operator
2. Instance methods of a particular object
Here we will create an instance of a class and call it's instance method
3. Instance methods of an arbitrary object of a particular type
It same as above, except that, in this, we will not be required to create an instance of the class
4. Constructor references
You can refer previously defined constructors and assign it to target type of a functional interface
Let's see all these types with below example
package java8;
import java.util.*;
public class EmployeeDB {
public static List<Employee> getEmployeeList(){
List<Employee> empList = Arrays.asList(
//int eId, String fName, String lName, double salary, List<Integer> phNumbers
new Employee(5, "Sonu", "Panjabi", 1000, Arrays.asList(1234, 2345)),
new Employee(7, "Ganu", "Marathi", 1500, Arrays.asList(3456, 4567)),
new Employee(8, "Manu", "Bangali", 2000, Arrays.asList(5678, 6789)),
new Employee(4, "Tonu", "Bihari", 3000, Arrays.asList(7890, 8901)),
new Employee(1, "Kanu", "Asami", 3500, Arrays.asList(9012, 1230)),
new Employee(6, "Ranu", "Kashmiri", 4000, Arrays.asList(9876, 8765)),
new Employee(2, "Janu", "Kannadi", 4500, Arrays.asList(7654, 6543)),
new Employee(3, "Monu", "Gujrathi", 5000, Arrays.asList(5432, 4321))
return empList;
package java8.methodreference;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.*;
import java8.*;
public class MethodReferenceDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//static method reference EmployeeDB::getEmployeeList
Supplier<List<Employee>> supl = EmployeeDB::getEmployeeList;
System.out.println("Total Employee size is: "+supl.get().size());
//Instance methods of a particular object empComparator::compareEmployees
EmpComparator empComparator = new EmpComparator();
List<Employee> emps = supl.get().stream().sorted(empComparator::compareEmployees).collect(Collectors.toList());
System.out.print("Here are the sorted eID: "); -> System.out.print(a.geteId()+", "));
//OR Employee::getSalary
Double totSalary = supl.get().stream().mapToDouble(Employee::getSalary).sum();
System.out.println("Total Salary is: "+totSalary);
//Instance methods of an arbitrary object of a particular type String::toUpperCase
List<String> str = supl.get().stream().map(a -> a.getfName()).collect(Collectors.toList());
//Constructor reference Employee::new
Supplier<Employee> e = Employee::new;
System.out.println("New employee is: "+e.get());
class EmpComparator {
public int compareEmployees(Employee e1, Employee e2) {
return, e2.geteId());
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