Monday, July 19, 2021

AWS: Storage: Backup

 AWS Backup is a fully managed, centralize, automated & policy-based backup service that backups data from across AWS services in Cloud & on-prem. Using AWS backup, you can create on-demand backup, create scheduled backup, monitor your backup jobs & restore backups.

AWS backup uses existing backup capabilities of the services like EBS snapshot, RDS snapshot, Dynamo DB backup, Storage Gateway snapshot, etc. to implement its centralized features.

EC2: Root volume, all data volumes & instance configurations will be backed up such that it can be restored. Only EBS backed instances are supported; store backed EC2 instances are NOT supported.

RDS: Amazon Aurora is not supported

Storage Gateway: EBS snapshot can be restored as Storage Gateway volumes

Protected Resources page lists resources that are backed up by AWS Backup at least once.

  • Backup plan: policy expression that defines how & when the backup is to be done

    • 2 options - copy from existing or create new

    • Backup rule: Frequency (when), Window (how long), Lifecycle (move to cold storage)

    • Backup Vault: 

      • Container to organize your backups

      • AWS KMS encryption to encrypt backups

      • Control access in backup vault

    • You can assign resources either using

      • Tags: to select all the ‘to be backup resources’ as matching the tag

      • ARN: Select specific resources

When you restore backup from AWS Backup console, you need to provide required parameters as per the type of resource e.g. volume size for EBS. Restoring backup will create a new resource.

You can configure SNS to send notifications for AWS Backup events like job started/completed.

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